Why INC And BJP Are Highly Focused On Meta Ads

Both the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC) are heavily focused on political advertising through Meta platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, as they prepare for the upcoming elections in Haryana, Maharashtra, jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir, Both parties are highly focused on four states as well their leaders are highly active on meta ads.

Source Meta Ad Library


 This trend highlights the critical role of social media in modern political campaigns.


 Key Insights on Political advertising


1.BJP’s Dominance in Spending: The BJP has emerged as the leading spender on Meta, investing significantly more than its competitors. Recent analyses indicate that during a crucial period following the announcement of election dates, BJP-affiliated surrogate advertisers collectively spent over ₹85 lakh on pro-BJP ads, while the party itself contributed an additional ₹32 lakh in the same timeframe. 


  1. Surrogate Advertising: A substantial portion of the BJP’s ad expenditure is funneled through surrogate pages, which often operate without disclosing their affiliations with the party. This practice allows the BJP to amplify its messaging while avoiding direct accountability for potentially misleading or inflammatory content. For instance, between March 17 and March 23, seven of the top 20 advertisers on Meta were linked to pro-BJP messaging, with no other political party represented in the same capacity.


3.INC’s Ad Strategy: The INC is also actively participating in the Meta ad landscape, though its spending is notably lower than that of the BJP. The INC’s official page ranked as one of the top spenders, with expenditures surpassing ₹5 lakh during the same period. However, the party faces challenges in matching the scale and impact of the BJP’s advertising efforts, particularly through surrogate channels.


  1. Content and Messaging: The content of ads from surrogate pages often includes memes, videos, and other engaging formats aimed at shaping public perception. These ads can convey misleading information or target opposition figures, contributing to a polarized political environment. For example, ads have been reported that juxtapose violent imagery with political commentary, further complicating the narrative landscape].


  1. Regulatory Concerns: The reliance on surrogate advertising raises questions about transparency and accountability in political messaging. Despite Meta’s policies requiring disclosure of political ad sponsors, enforcement remains inconsistent, allowing surrogate advertisers to operate with relative impunity. This lack of oversight poses risks to the integrity of the electoral process and the quality of information available to voters.

Read Also :  How can you effectively use social media or political marketing to engage voters

In summary, both the BJP and INC are leveraging Meta platforms for political advertising, with the BJP leading in expenditure and employing surrogate pages to enhance its reach. This trend underscores the growing importance of social media in shaping electoral outcomes and the ongoing challenges related to transparency and regulation in political advertising.



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