Collaborating with our clients to deliver progressive results.

We design and build beautiful brands, with PPC advertising for your business that stand out the crowd.

PPC Management Packages That Help to Make Your Brand Popular :

  • Enhance Brand Awareness.

  • Get Instant ROI

  • Strengthen Online Presence

  • Interact with Audiences

  • Cost-Effective

  • Launchpad Booster 🚀

  • $600Month

  • $200- $2999/Monthly Ad Spend
    Minimum Budget Required
  • 3 Months
    Minimum Duration
  • Any 1 Network
    Networks (Google Ads, Bing)
  • 100
    No of Keywords
  • Remarketing
  • Advanced Location Targeting
  • No
    Advance Conversion Tracking
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing Page Suggestion
  • A/B Testing
  • Basic
    Analytics Setup
  • Monthly
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Meeting On Email, Chat, Phone, Video Meet
  • Growth Accelerator 📈

  • $800Month

  • $3000- $5999/Monthly Ad Spend
    Minimum Budget Required
  • 3 Months
    Minimum Duration
  • Both
    Networks (Google Ads, Bing)
  • 200
    No of Keywords
  • Remarketing
  • Advanced Location Targeting
  • Yes (Only On Google Ads)
    Advance Conversion Tracking
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing Page Suggestion
  • A/B Testing
  • Basic
    Analytics Setup
  • Monthly
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Meeting On Email, Chat, Phone, Video Meet
  • Full Throttle Domination 👑

  • $1000Month

  • $6000- $10,000/Monthly Ad Spend
    Minimum Budget Required
  • 500 GB
    Minimum Duration
  • Both
    Networks (Google Ads, Bing)
  • 300+
    No of Keywords
  • Remarketing
  • Advanced Location Targeting
  • Yes (Analytics & Tag Manager)
    Advance Conversion Tracking
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Landing Page Suggestion
  • A/B Testing
  • Advanced
    Analytics Setup
  • Monthly
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Meeting On Email, Chat, Phone, Video Meet
  • Launchpad Booster 🚀

  • $650Month

  • Upto $1000
    Minimum Budget Required
  • $200-$2999/Monthly Ad Spend
    Minimum Duration
  • Upto 25 Products
  • Google Merchant Setup
  • Feed Creation
  • Feed Optimization
  • Linking Merchant Centre to Ads Account
  • Any 1
    Ad Networks (Google, Bing)
  • Advanced Remarketing Setup
  • Assets Creation
  • Product Listing
  • Audience Signal
  • Inventory Exclusion
  • 2
    Competitor Analysis
  • ROI Analysis
  • Analytics Setup
  • Tag Manager Set Up
  • Flow Chart Creation
  • Goal Creation
  • Funnel Visualization
  • Monthly
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Meeting On Email, Chat, Phone, Video Meet
  • Growth Accelerator 📈

  • $850Month

  • $1000 - $5000
    Minimum Budget Required
  • $3000-$5999/Monthly Ad Spend
    Minimum Duration
  • Upto 50 Products
  • Google Merchant Setup
  • Feed Creation
  • Feed Optimization
  • Linking Merchant Centre to Ads Account
  • Both
    Ad Networks (Google, Bing)
  • Advanced Remarketing Setup
  • Assets Creation
  • Product Listing
  • Audience Signal
  • Inventory Exclusion
  • 4
    Competitor Analysis
  • ROI Analysis
  • Analytics Setup
  • Tag Manager Set Up
  • Flow Chart Creation
  • Goal Creation
  • Funnel Visualization
  • Monthly
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Meeting On Email, Chat, Phone, Video Meet
  • Full Throttle Domination 👑

  • $1100Month

  • $6000- ₹10,000/Monthly Ad Spend
    Minimum Budget Required
  • 3 Months
    Minimum Duration
  • 100+ Products
  • Google Merchant Setup
  • Feed Creation
  • Feed Optimization
  • Linking Merchant Centre to Ads Account
  • Both
    Ad Networks (Google, Bing)
  • Advanced Remarketing Setup
  • Assets Creation
  • Product Listing
  • Audience Signal
  • Inventory Exclusion
  • 8
    Competitor Analysis
  • ROI Analysis
  • Analytics Setup
  • Tag Manager Set Up
  • Flow Chart Creation
  • Goal Creation
  • Funnel Visualization
  • Monthly
  • Advanced Reports
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Meeting On Email, Chat, Phone, Video Meet

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